Introducing the Authenticast: Eddie Vidal and Julie L. Mohr Launch New Podcast


Eddie Vidal and Julie L. Mohr are launching a podcast called the Authenticast. We will host interviews and discussions about leadership, IT, and the customer experience. We are looking forward to combining our unique perspectives and opinions with other IT professionals, speakers, and persons of interest in today’s technology world.

When Eddie and I first discussed doing a podcast, we had a flood of ideas. Our vision of what we wanted to do, just seemed to click. Getting from idea to execution takes some time and we have been working behind the scenes to develop our site, social connections, and other things that will serve as a platform for what we will hope will be engaging content. We wanted a strong brand and digital identity that would represent our vision. The easy part is done. Now we need to begin doing our interviews.

Check out our Facebook Page (please like it if you could):

And we will be announcing each release through our Twitter account (follow us for notifications): @TheAuthenticast

We are still putting together a detailed list of topics and guests for our official launch in 2017. While we complete our plan, we did get an opportunity to interview our first guest for the itSMF 2016 Service Management Conference in Las Vegas.

Stay tuned as we put all the magic together and launch our first episode!
